
what do you need to become stiforp member
Dear friends!
Each man first must love himself. If you love yourself, you can love and the others. To LOVE Yourself is necessary:

1) To accept the way you are and to respect and appreciate yourself.
2) To build sense of trust and self confidence in yourself.
3) To cherish and keep your physical, mental and spiritual health.
4) To be positive and optimist.
5) To be grateful of that you have.
6) To be ready for continued changes (life flows as a river).
7) To not be afraid of doubt, darkness and fear from new, unknown, success, failure, etc.
8) To be brave and go in action and experience.
9) To be resolute, steadfast and persistent.
10) To be ready to learn, change, adopt and apply all that you have learned.
11) To love, help and respect your close relatives, friends, acquaintances and all the people in the world.
12) To love your work and enjoy in the same.
13) To rejoice in life and to all beautiful and happy moments.
A little bit strange introduction of this topic. But if you don’t love yourself, if you don’t love the others, if you don’t love the job that you work, nothing of the business.
To become paidSTIFORP member the first thing that you need to do is to decide to enter in this work with love and desire, and same with pleasure to work and fills you with joy. If it’s really like that then welcome to the team of the successful in STIFORP.
Ventura Capital ?
your desire and you
Your biggest initial capital to enter in this work, in this incredible internet marketing promotion MATRIX system, are personally YOU and YOUR DESIRE to make change in your life. If in this work you enter with a strong incentive hot desire for success, with a firm decision and unwavering faith to persevere and not give up until you succeed no matter what obstacles you get, your success is certain.

Everything else is learned.
So your biggest capital for success are you itself and your desire for success in this work

Can You Lose ?
Whatever you do in life, everything that is happening into any moment is life experience. We have three types of people:

1) Fools
2) Smart
3) Wise


1) Foolish people make mistakes, and don’t learn nor from their nor from the others experiences and everyone are curves that are losers.
2) Smart people make mistakes, learn from their experiences and mistakes, but don’t learn from their and others people experiences, but still thrive.
3) Wise people make mistakes, learn from their experiences and mistakes, learn from the experiences and mistakes of the others and thrive the most.

We all in life make mistakes, learn and gain experiences. If you decide to join us with membership in STIFORP you will need to take action and enter into experience. Experience means that if you want to succeed in this work you need at least three years to invest in Stiforp:

- Total yearly membership for the first year is = $149,95
- In the second year (12 x $9,95) = $119,40
- In the third year (12 x $9,95) = $119,40
So your total investment for three years = $388,75

If you start any other classical business for the beginning you need at least $30.000, team, knowledge and possibility to succeed is 1:10. Of 10 new opened businesses after 3 years only 1 succeed, that shows the world experiences. So, there is a big possibility to lose all those $30.000.

In Stiforp you can lose for 3 years $388,75 under assumption that you will not use the values of your membership (package of over $3000 electronic tools for promotion on any business on the internet), in general no one to be joined in the system by your side, no one to fall under you from the higher sponsors in the MATRIX system in your MATRIX. Such opportunity is so small, but is possible.
However those money, $388,75 you can use to buy something: things, pleasure, clothes, service or anything else, to use, the satisfaction has passed, money is spent and you go further and you don’t complain about the spent money. Life is full with pleasures and risks.
That’s all about the loss!

Can You Get ?
get financial independence
What can you get? A LOT !!!
Opportunity to start one incredible business with Stiforp which can change your life and will enable you opportunity for financial freedom and independence (long term passive incomes of more thousands of dollars monthly and tools and values and marketing system and knowledge which 100% will change your life).
For the values that Stiforp gives you with the membership.
For the financial values with the fantastic incredible compensation pay plan of STIFORPsee in Pay Plan.

Starting A Business ?

Every smart, intelligent and positive person on any part of the Earth can join the team of STIFORP.

- To have will for work.

- To be positive person.
- To have laptop or desktop computer or tablet or smart phone.
- Internet connection.
- It is desirable to have a basic knowledge of computers and English language (not required or you can find such people who have knowledge and will help you).
- It is desirable to separate at least one hour a day from your free time, and you can take more, working from home or anywhere else.
- It is desirable to know Network Marketing (but it is not required).
- It is desirable to have will for learning and knowledge, adoption and applying the same.
What else ???
Also you should have VISA-Electron Card or VISA- Master Card for payment via Internet, and on your card you should have at least $49,95 (for Complete monthly membership) or $149,95 (for yearly 3 STAR LEADER RANG Membership) or $199,95 (for yearly plus 3 STAR PLUS LEADER RANG Membership). 
Notice: It will be good on your card to have and some dollar more for successful passage of the transactions in the bank.
What more: Action!

Action and entering into experience with goal to overcome the fear. What is fear?
Fear is a state of thought and stems from ignorance of something new, unknown, success, failure, change, denial. So, fear is emotion (feeling) and stems from a lack of knowledge.

How to get rid of fear?
- Face with it!
- Face with the truth!
- Find out the answers!
- Take risks! (some people are afraid even to cross the street)
- Enter into experience! (knowledge)
- Brave can do everything!
- Take an action! Now and Immediately!
JOIN US !!!!
join my team
Coming to this field certainly a lot of things became clear to you and now you take actions to join us.
To join us in STIFORP you should have sponsor-mentor or his reference link how you could on it to connect and join us.
Sponsor-mentor is person who will help you in the work, ie will teach you and lead in your work and who will help you to succeed (of course if you want and have desire for that, so everything depends on you).

IF you decide to JOIN US I will be YOUR Sponsor and on many places on this page there is my link for joining, through banners and key words.
With that you enter in my MATRIX, and with that also in the STIFORP MATRIX, because we all are members in the MATRIX system of Stiforp.
Stiforp to all its members who have desire to learn that offers great webinars, audio and video trainings for success and informations within of the values which you get with your membership no matter who to whom is a member.
But you becoming part of my team will have opportunity to get a lot of informations, advices and knowledge which you will get through this my web site and still my other web site. With which informations and knowledge if they adopt and apply in practice (all depend on you) the SUCCESS will be our final destination.
We go Further!
In Stiforp we have two forms for registration of members:
1) Pre-Enrollee – for free, by leaving your certain data with which you can get certain data and informations for Stiforp and its values ​​and opportunities as easily you could decide to actively join. In this case this Pre-Enrollee before registration is FREE and you get only informations for Stiforp and so.
Attention: If you until now have done that and have clicked on some banners, links and key words on this page and leave your personal data:
leave data
and click for more informations, you are already Pre-Enrollee in STIFORP and in my Contact Manager rubric as potential members in STIFORP that have not yet taken a key position.
In the MATRIX 2 x 14 with payment of your membership. In that case is possible you to get temporary ID#  that is not valid until you pay your membership and get only informations on your e-mail from the company. And after this if you decide actively to join in that case you take the next step:
You open the official web site of the company:, you enter your e-mail, with which you pre-enrollee (on some of the banners, links and key words on this site) and then you LOGIN.
After you have login with your e-mail in pre-enrollee login, opens you the page of STIFORP with your First Name and Last Name and your temporary ID #__________.

After this you go to the right top corner of the site where with red is marked field JOIN. You click on JOIN. After that the page JOIN NOW is open, and you lock in your position.
After this you follow the three simple steps for validly (active) paid membership in STIFORP. Before we go to explain the steps for the paid membership in STIFORP I want to explain you just another opportunity for joining.
Important !!! If till now you haven’t been pre-enrollee in STIFORP nowhere (or eventually you have forgot your e-mail that you have put when previous registering, you can make a new pre-enrollee registration with your new e-mail).
So, if you are not pre-enrollee click on this banner, pre-enroll and continue the procedure for active paid membership in Stiforp in my Power Dream Team.
2) Registration – Active Membership, Paid Membership, Lock In Your Position in the STIFORP MATRIX.
lock in your position
Lock In Your Position !!! Attention !!! You are here to join the most exciting from home based business on the internet, which can dramatically change your life. Through three simple steps we go further …….
arrowStep 1: Personal Info
step 1-personal info
Attention: If you have been pre-enrollee, fields will be filled with your personal data from the pre-enrollment.
——->>> We go Further !
arrowUser Name
user name
arrowStep 2: Select Your Membership
Option 1: Monthly Membership
step 2-select your membership
arrowOption 2: Yeraly Membership
option 2
arrowOption 3: Yeraly Membership PLUS
option 3
Attention: Option 1 and 2 you can additionally upgrade with opportunity for yearly and yearly PLUS membership.
step 3-billing info
step 3.1-billing info
Notice: If in adding your personal data make mistake in two attempts (the system with red will show you) don’t try third time because you can be blocked. Then the next day check your data and the status of your expense of card and try again after day or two with correct and without mistakes to add your personal data and with enough money on your card.
The final procedure: After you fill out the fields with your data for payment, click on the two squares that you agree with the policies and procedures of Stiforp and then click SUBMIT.
If you have enough money on you VISA Card and if you carefully enter your data without any mistake, at top of your page will be shown some numbers of your credit card that the transaction was successful.
Welcome in STIFORP PROFITSCongratulations you become active paid member of Stiforp and from this moment you have at the disposal your web office and all values and TOOLS that Stiforp offers with it for exploding your businesses and the business of STIFORP on the internet as well as the fantastic Compensation Pay Plan of Stiforp and the benefits and bonuses which from that arise.
Your ID # from now is valid.
From this moment you start new chapter in your life with all opportunities which offers you the Stiforp. From this moment you can start to build your own business with Stiforp and to develop, expand and explode your other businesses that you have!

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